We are a top dentist in the Westchester area, offering carefully curated dental services including routine preventative and restorative care. Schedule a consultation at our main office in Scarsdale to identify how we can enhance your smile.
Dr. Brandon Carter began his undergraduate education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Economics. Realizing that he had a passion for health, science, and technology, he wanted to transition into a career that serves and cares for people directly. Dr. Carter furthered his education to pursue a career in dentistry and obtained his Doctorate of Dental Surgery from Howard University.
Dr. Carter is a native of Raleigh, North Carolina. When he is not serving his patients, he enjoys exercising and traveling, and spending time with his family and friends.
We are a full service dental office providing comprehensive care.
We will assist you in maximizing your annual benefit. Don’t hesitate to call with any questions you may have.
In an effort to make our treatment affordable to everyone, we are pleased to offer patient financing through Lending Club.
Find our dental clinic on Central Park Ave, easily accessible from White Plains, Heartsdale, and Eastchester.